

News 게시판
No Title Writer Date Views Attachments
26 LINC+ Enterprise Organization, Hold LINC+ HATCH Opening DAY International Center 18-07-03 412   LINC+사업단, LINC+ HATCH Opening DAY 개최.jpg
25 Jeonju University-LG CNS, Agreement on the Promotion of SW Development Human Resources International Center 18-05-14 516   전주대-LG CNS SW개발 인재양성 업무협약 체결.jpg
24 Jeonju university - Korea Productivity Center, Conclusion of agreement for Human Resource Cultivation in the Fourth Indu International Center 18-05-14 474   전주대-한국생산성본부 '4차 산업 인재양성' 협약 체결.jpg
23 Cooperating with Community Church, Host Family for Foreign Students International Center 18-05-14 577   지역교회 협력 외국인 유학생 Host Family 결연.jpg
22 Cooperation of a Community Medical Team Held a Free Treatment for the International Students International Center 18-05-14 490   지역사회 의료진 협력 외국인 유학생 무료 진료 펼쳐.jpg
21 Jeonju University, Selected as the Only University Leading Business Start-ups for Eight Years in a row in Honam Region International Center 18-05-14 481   전주대, 호남권 유일 8년 연속 창업선도대학 선정.jpg
20 Jeonju University, Selected as the Only University Leading the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Jeonbuk Region International Center 18-05-14 459   전주대, 전북유일 4차산업혁명 혁신선도대학 선정.jpg
19 Jeonju University has Selected as the Only ‘2018 Universities for University Information Disclosure’ in Jeonbuk region International Center 18-05-14 416   전주대, 전북유일 ‘2018년 대학정보공시 우수대학’ 선정.jpg
18 Specialized Business in The Department of Industrial Design, Held 2018 ID Opening Day International Center 18-04-12 528   산업디자인학과 특성화사업단, 2018 ID Opening Day 개최.jpg
17 LINC+ Enterprise Organization, Has Established, HATCH, Education Innovation Platform, that leads to the Fourth Industri International Center 18-04-12 517   LINC+사업단, 4차 산업혁명 선도 교육혁신플랫폼, HATCH 출범.jpg
16 Produce 15 Carbon Experts in Future Strategic Business International Center 18-03-19 523   미래 전략산업 탄소분야 전문가 15명 배출.jpg
15 The college of Education, Oversea School Internship Program in China International Center 18-02-12 557   사범대, 중국서 해외학교현장실습.jpg
14 ‘Korean Traditional Culture Experience’ Popular among the International Students International Center 18-02-12 580   '한국 전통문화 체험', 외국인 유학생에게 큰 호응.jpg
13 Human Resources Development Division for Culture and Tourism, Increasing Employment Rate by Managing Creative Education International Center 18-02-12 499   문화관광콘텐츠 전문인력양성사업단, 창의적 교육 운영으로 취업률 높인다.jpg
12 Jeonju University has the highest competition rate for regular admissions in Jeonbuk for 5 years in a row International Center 18-01-15 598   전주대 2018학년도 정시모집 경쟁률 ‘5년 연속 전북 1위’1.jpg
11 Jeonju University, the Mecca of Carbon Industry International Center 17-02-20 2836   20170220_150850150.jpg
10 Jeonju University dominates national competitions, soars into Taekwondo elite International Center 17-02-20 870   전주오픈시범.jpg
9 Jeonju University "2016 World Taekwondo Festival” champion in two categories International Center 17-02-20 842   IMG_5435.jpg
8 Jeonju University, Poetry recites members and foreign students mentor-mentee alliance International Center 17-02-20 820   20161007_193547.jpg
7 Jeonju University, Poetry recites members and foreign students mentor-mentee alliance International Center 17-02-20 803   IMG_2110.JPG