

News 게시판
No Title Writer Date Views Attachments
66 Jeonju University Taekwondo Performance Team, has achieved ‘Significant’ effect of attracting Chinese Tourists International Center 19-05-14 571   태권도시범단, 중국인 관광객 유치 효과 ‘톡톡’.jpg
65 Jeonju University Student Host Family, Support for ‘Study Abroad Like My Home’ International Center 19-04-23 658   유학생 호스트 패밀리 결연, ‘내 집 같은 유학생활’ 지원.jpg
64 Jeonju University, Providing Free Medical Treatment ‘Healthy Study Abroad Support’ for International Students International Center 19-04-23 596   국제교류원, 국제학생 ‘건강한 유학생활 지원’ 무료 진료 진행.jpg
63 Jeonju University, Delivering International Student Scholarship...21 International students Benefit International Center 19-04-23 531   전주대, 국제학생 장학금 전달…유학생 21명 혜택.jpg
62 Operating Mentoring Talent Volunteer Camp for Korean Guidance to International Students International Center 19-03-20 624   국제학생 한국어지도 멘토링 재능봉사 캠프 운영.jpg
61 Japanese IT Company CAL Visited Jeonju University to Recruit Outstanding Talent International Center 19-03-20 2307   일본 IT기업 ㈜CAL, 우수인재 채용 위해 전주대 방문.jpg
60 Jeonju University, Dedicate to Train Global Leaders with Multilingual Skill International Center 19-02-14 642   전주대, 다언어 능력 갖춘 글로벌 리더 양성 매진.jpg
59 Jeonju University, Activate Scholarship Business to Train Youth Star Entrepreneurs International Center 19-02-14 601   전주대, 청년 스타 창업가 육성을 위한 장학사업 활성.JPG
58 Special Exhibition for the Graduation Work Held by Industrial Design Department at the Jeonju City Hall International Center 19-02-14 564   산업디자인학과 졸업작품 전주시청에 특별전시.jpg
57 Department of Financial Insurance in Jeonju University, the Nation’s Highest Damage Assessment Acceptance Rate International Center 18-12-19 653   전주대 금융보험학과, 손해사정사 합격률 전국 1위.jpg
56 Department of Hotel Management in Jeonju University, Conducted 2 Days On-the-spot Program at JW Marriott Dongdaemun Inernational Center 18-12-19 630   전주대 호텔경영학과, JW메리어트 동대문에서 2박 3일 현장밀착 프로그램 진행 1.jpg
55 Department of Industrial Design, Implementation of Foreign Traditional Culture Experience in China International Center 18-12-19 560   산업디자인학과, 중국에서 해외전통문화체험교육 실시.jpg
54 Jeonju University Taekwondo Demonstration Team, Devote to Let people Know about Taekwondo ‘Effectively Attract Foreign T International Center 18-12-19 587   전주대 태권도시범단, 中에서 태권도 알리기 총력 '해외 관광객 유치 효과 톡톡'.jpg
53 Department of Korean Food Cooking in Jeonju University conducted the Korean Food Festival in Zimbabwe International Center 18-12-19 513   전주대 한식조리학과, 짐바브웨에서 한식 축제 진행.jpg
52 Jeonju University’s International Student Employment Camp, International Student Favorable… High Satisfaction International Center 18-12-19 450   전주대 국제학생 취업 캠프, 유학생 호평.. 만족도 높아.jpg
51 Fashion Industry Department, Operate Global Capacity Building Vietnam Training Program International Center 18-11-20 492   패션산업학과, 글로벌 역량강화 베트남 연수 프로그램 운영 1.jpg
50 Jeonju University Department of Foodservice Industry, Won the Prizes including First and Third Place in Korean Wheat Coo International Center 18-11-20 466   전주대 외식산업학과, 우리밀요리경연대회 대상·동상 등 수상.jpg
49 The 99th National Sports Championship was Held Successfully, Announce the Glory and Vision of Thousand Years of Jeonbuk International Center 18-11-20 454   전주대 공연방송연기학과, 전국체전 개·폐회식서 전북 비전 공연으로 풀어내.jpg
48 Jeonju University, LINC+ Provides Mileage Scholarship International Center 18-11-20 482   전주대, LINC+ 마일리지 장학금 지급.jpg
47 Jeonju University, Excellent Achievements in Finding and Cultivating Start-up Companies International Center 18-11-20 443   전주대, 창업기업 발굴 및 육성에서 우수한 성과 거둬.jpg