

News 게시판
No Title Writer Date Views Attachments
86 Jeonju University, Use VR Interview System to Conduct Mock Interviews ‘to Develop a Sense for Real Interview’ International Center 19-12-17 375   전주대, VR 면접 시스템 활용 모의면접 진행 ‘실전감각 키워’.jpg
85 Jeonju University, Won the Grand Prize in the Education Category on the Social Media Awards International Center 19-12-17 425   전주대, 대한민국소셜미디어대상 교육부문 대상 수상1.jpg
84 Jeonju University, Won the Grand Prize in the Education Category on the Social Media Awards International Center 19-12-17 397   전주대, 대한민국소셜미디어대상 교육부문 대상 수상.jpg
83 Institute of Korean Classical Studies, Hosted the Invited Lecture by Professor Wang Xiaoming International Center 19-12-03 448   한국고전학연구소, 中 왕샤오밍 교수 초청강연 진행.jpg
82 Architecture Department of Jeonju University, Winning Multiple Prizes in ‘Architectural Design and Architectural Competi International Center 19-12-03 420   건축학과, ‘건축상 및 건축 공모전’에서 다수 입상.jpg
81 Jeonju University Holds ‘Foreign Student Poetry Reading Contest’ in Collaboration with Community International Center 19-12-03 406   국제교류원, 지역사회와 협력 ‘외국인 유학생 시 낭송대회’개최.jpg
80 Jeonju University-Vietnam 8 Colleges, Signed MOA Fostering Global Talent International Center 19-12-03 411   전주대-베트남 8개 전문대, 글로벌 인재 육성 MOA 체결.jpg
79 Jeonju University, Operated Flight Crew Training Courses ‘Starting place of becoming the person I Dreamed of’ International Center 19-11-11 567   전주대, 항공승무원 양성과정 운영 ‘꿈꾸던 내가 시작되는 곳’.jpg
78 Jeonju University, Successfully Finished Smart Device Startup Camp in North Jeolla Province International Center 19-11-11 391   전주대, 전라북도 스마트 디바이스 창업캠프 성료.jpg
77 The CEO of Plus Construction Enterprise, Chungyun Na, Delivered 7 Million Won Scholarship to Jeonju University International Center 19-11-11 387   플러스건설 나춘균 대표, 유학생들 위해 장학금 700만원 전달.jpg
76 ‘Let’s get funding with the idea and the story!’ ...Successfully Finish Jeonju University Startup Camp International Center 19-11-11 401   ‘아이디어와 이야기로 펀딩받자!’..전주대 창업 캠프 성료.jpg
75 Jeonju University LINC+ Enterprise organization, Lead the Future of Saemangeum Renewable Energy International Center 19-11-11 394   LINC+사업단, 새만금 재생에너지의 미래를 이끌다.jpg
74 Jeonju University, Coexistence of Culture and Tourism Industry with the Fourth Industry, International Center 19-11-11 361   ‘문화관광대학 HATCH 라운지’ 개관, 문화관광산업과 4차산업의 공존.jpg
73 Jeonju University, Mural Painting Volunteer Activities in Seomyeon Village, Muju-gun International Center 19-11-11 365   전주대 학생들, 무주군 서면마을 벽화 그리기 봉사활동 1.jpg
72 Taekwondo Performance Team, All in China to ‘Promote Jeolabuk-do·Taekowndo’ International Center 19-07-29 515   전주대 태권도시범단, 중국서 ‘전라북도·태권도 알리기’ 총력 1.jpg
71 Department of Korean Culinary arts Exhibition, ‘Showing New Korean Food Menu’ International Center 19-07-29 514   전주대 한식조리학과 작품전, ‘새 옷 입은 한식 메뉴 선보여’ 1.jpg
70 Jeonju University, Harim-beSTAR Selected 22 Students ‘I am going to a big company after graduation.’ International Center 19-06-18 608   전주대, 하림beSTAR 22명 선발 ‘졸업 후 대기업 간다.’.jpg
69 Korean Language Education Center in Jeonju University, Held 1st Semester Ceremony for Students Learning Korean. International Center 19-06-18 581   전주대 한국어교육센터, 한국어 연수생 1학기 수료식 가져.jpg
68 Jeonju University, Provides ‘Healthy Student Abroad Life Support’ Free Medical Treatment for International Students International Center 19-06-18 652   전주대, 국제학생 ‘건강한 유학생활 지원’ 무료 진료 진행.jpg
67 Sungjin Kim, a graduate of Jeonju University, appointed as artistic director of the National Orchestra of Korea International Center 19-05-14 558   음악학과 출신 김성진 씨 국립국악관현악단 예술감독에 임명 1.jpg