

News 게시판
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126 Jeonju University's Korean Food Cooking Department performed the duties of Korean food diplomats by producing 70 officia International Center 21-02-16 605   한식.jpg
125 Jeonju DMO, travel agency in the jurisdiction - foreign tourists cooperated to attract foreign tourists. International Center 21-02-16 535   DMO관내.jpg
124 KCL Trade, 5,000,000 won International Students Scholarship delivered to Jeonju University International Center 21-02-16 521   KCL.jpg
123 Jeonju University Freezes Tuition for 2021...50% lower than the previous year International Center 21-02-16 480   입학금.jpg
122 Jeonju University Held “National Tourism focus City, Jeonju Tourism Marketing Forum” International Center 20-12-16 726   전주대, ‘국가관광거점도시 전주, 관광마케팅 포럼’개최.jpg
121 The Hotel Management of JeonjuUniv, Marriott International Hotel Human Resources Division Invited simulated interview International Center 20-12-16 680   전주대 호텔경영학과, 메리어트 인터내셔널 호텔 그룹 인사부 임원 초청 모의면접.jpg
120 Woo Jung-won, a Student of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department, Won the Excellent International Center 20-12-16 608   전기전자공학과 우정원 학생, 전력전자학회 추계학술대회 우수논문상 수상.jpg
119 Jeonju University LINC+ Business Group to Hold Online TRIZ National Competition International Center 20-12-16 621   전주대 LINC+사업단, 온라인 TRIZ 전국경진대회 개최.jpg
118 Celebrating Hangeul Day, "Foreigners Challenge! Korean Golden Bells" Will Be Held. International Center 20-11-05 885  
117 Jeonju National University to Establish a Local Training Center for Ultrasonic Wave Specialization Education for Radiolo International Center 20-11-05 617   전주대,_방사선사_초음파교육전문_지방연수원_신설.jpg
116 From Jeonju to Yeosu to Jeju by Bicycle to Meet New Students International Center 20-11-05 559   전주대_교수들,_새내기_만나기_위해_자전거로_전주서_여수,_제주까지1.jpg
115 Professors Song Ji-young and Choi Kyung-bok of the Korean Language Education Center Donate Scholarships for Internationa International Center 20-11-05 536   전주대_송지영·최경복_교수_부부,_국제학생_장학금_500만원_기부2.jpg
114 Jeonju University, the Ministry of Justice's Visiting Mobile Immigration Office's Big Support International Center 20-10-22 568   전주대,_법무부_지원_찾아오는_이동출입국_사무소_‘큰_호응’_-전주출입국외국인사무소_외국인등록증_발금을_위한_지문채취_지원.jpg
113 Let's sing K-POP and enjoy Chuseok in Korea! International Center 20-10-22 451   [보도자료]_K-POP_부르며_한국의_추석을_즐겨요.jpg
112 Jeonju University, Songpyeon Sharing Event for International students International Center 20-10-22 484   [보도자료]_전주대,_유학생위한_송편_나눔_행사.jpg
111 Cheer up, Korean Food Cooking Department! Superstar’s for 18 years Junior Love Donation Relay International Center 20-10-22 450   전주대_한식조리학과,_‘힘내라!_수퍼스타’_후배사랑_기부_릴레이.jpg
110 Jeonju University, Selected as ‘Best A Rank’ in the First Annual Evaluation of University Innovation Support Project International Center 20-07-16 753   전주대, 대학혁신지원사업 1차년도 연차평가 ‘최우수 A등급’ 선정.jpg
109 Progress ‘Jeonju University is Going! Project’ for Freshmen International Center 20-07-16 674   새내기를 위한 ‘전주대가 간다! 프로젝트’ 진행.png
108 Jeonju University LINC+ Enterprise Organization, Join ‘Thanks to Challenge’ to Cheer for the Medical Staff International Center 20-07-16 657   전주대 LINC+사업단, 코로나19 의료진 응원 ‘덕분에 챌린지’ 동참.jpg
107 Jeonju University, Establishment of Digital Social Innovation Support Center ‘Solving Regional Problems with Digital’ International Center 20-07-16 670   전주대, 디지털 사회혁신 지원센터 구축 ‘디지털로 지역문제 해결’.jpg